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What Vitamins to Boost Immune System?

Title: Harnessing the Power of Vitamin D for Optimal Health and Immunity


In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on the importance of maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D for overall health and well-being. Frequently referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions and is renowned for its immense health benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous advantages of vitamin D, identify its sources, and delve into why it is particularly valuable for boosting immune health.

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D:

1. Enhanced Bone Health:

Vitamin D is indispensable for calcium absorption, which is crucial for the formation and strength of bones. It plays a pivotal role in preventing conditions like rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Adequate vitamin D levels are vital to maintaining proper bone density, preventing fractures, and reducing the risk of osteoporosis-related complications.

2. Regulated Mood and Mental Wellness:

Studies have suggested that vitamin D may have a significant impact on mental health. It plays a role in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters, including serotonin, known as the “happy hormone.” Individuals with low levels of vitamin D may be prone to experiencing mood disorders, such as depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Ensuring optimal levels of vitamin D may therefore contribute to better mental well-being.

3. Strengthened Immune System:

Vitamin D is crucial for maintaining a healthy and robust immune system. It plays a critical role in regulating both the innate and adaptive immune responses. It helps promote the production of antimicrobial proteins, modulates the immune system’s response to pathogens, and is involved in activating the immune cells responsible for fighting infections. Sustaining adequate levels of vitamin D can help reduce the risk of developing respiratory infections, flu, and other viral illnesses.

4. Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases:

Another remarkable benefit of vitamin D is its potential to lower the risk of chronic diseases. Scientific studies have suggested that sufficient levels of vitamin D may contribute to the prevention of conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D’s anti-inflammatory properties have been linked to a decreased risk of developing certain chronic diseases.

Sources of Vitamin D:

1. Sunlight Exposure:

The human body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Spending time outdoors, preferably in the morning or late afternoon, can help your body create and store this essential nutrient. However, excessive sun exposure and the use of sunscreen can hinder vitamin D synthesis. It is important to strike a balance and consider factors such as time of day, duration, and skin type when aiming to obtain vitamin D from sunlight.

2. Food Sources:

Certain foods are excellent sources of vitamin D. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, as well as fish liver oils, are rich in this essential nutrient. Other sources include fortified dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, and beef liver. Incorporating these foods into your diet can help ensure adequate vitamin D levels.

3. Supplements:

When natural sunlight exposure and dietary sources may not be sufficient, vitamin D supplements offer an effective way to maintain optimal levels. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before initiating any supplementation to determine the appropriate dose and duration of vitamin D supplementation based on individual needs and health conditions.

This is what I take and I love it! The brand Naturebell doesn’t use vegetable oils for their capsules which I like.

Click the link to get the best vitamin D Ive tried!


Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient that offers an array of health benefits, including enhanced bone health, regulated mood, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and improved immune function. While sunlight exposure, especially in moderation, is an ideal way to obtain vitamin D, incorporating dietary sources rich in this nutrient and considering supplementation if needed can help meet the body’s requirements. Prioritizing vitamin D intake remains essential for maintaining overall health and fortifying the immune system, thus allowing individuals to enjoy a better quality of life.

16 Responses

  1. I must say, your website is incredibly well-designed. Navigating the vast world of vitamins and supplements can be quite overwhelming, and I often find myself unsure of where to begin. Your article, however, does an excellent job of breaking down this complex subject matter. It provides clear explanations that have been immensely helpful in guiding me through the intricacies of choosing the right vitamins and supplements. The well-presented information has given me a solid foundation and a clearer starting point, making the journey into understanding these health essentials much more manageable. Thanks for simplifying a topic that often feels daunting!

  2. Compliments for your well designed website. Vitamin D is very crucial for the health yes ,yet  is not a type of vitamin we can just get from pharmacy and consume, because its oil soluble ,What daily  dosage  do you recommend for women? Is it different for man than woman? 

    Thank you for your advice.

    1. thank you for taking the time to read! I would recommend speaking with your doctor first but men and women can take 5000-10,000 iu per day. And you’re correct, I would take vitamin D with food. Thank you again for the comment

  3. Great article on Vitamin D! It’s very relevant at this time of year, and I wish I had read it earlier before I got back-to-back illnesses. I’ve begun taking Vitamin D supplements every day after getting sick too often, which has helped quite a bit. I was probably Vitamin D deficient because I don’t go outside much during the wintertime. I do have a question, though. I see that your Vitamin D recommendation also has Vitamin K. How important is it to take Vitamin D with Vitamin K?

    1. Thank you so much for reading! To answer your question, taking vitamin D with vitamin K is important for multiple reasons. Firstly, they have a synergistic effect, working together to regulate calcium balance in the body. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption, while vitamin K ensures that calcium is distributed properly to bones and teeth, rather than being deposited in arteries or soft tissues. Both vitamins are crucial for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Adequate vitamin K levels have also been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease by preventing arterial calcification. Additionally, both vitamins contribute to enhanced immune function and lower the risk of certain infections. Vitamin K is essential for normal blood clotting and wound healing.

  4. That was an amazing article. I started getting some vitamins from Cuure in the last few months and I have seen some very good results. Now that is winter I changed L-tyrosine with Vitamin D and I was so happy to see an article about Vitamin D. Thank you very much, that was very helpful.

  5. Hello Shawn, great read. Before I begin, I couldn’t find the NatureBell link that you talked about .I saw the Free Trial tab but didn’t find the NaturBell on the next page. So, I knew that probiotics with live cultures restored your flora and strengthened the immune system, but never thought that Vitamin D did that or all the other things you talk about. I suffer from a condition called MEN 1, one of the many things it does is deplete your calcium level. As a result I had to have a parathyroidectomy, and 2 discectomies, and now I’m left with Osteopenia. This disorder is genetic but, had I increased my levels of calcium over the years maybe it would have retarded the symptoms.

    You know what you said about sunscreen, that actually makes a lot of sense. We’re clogging our pores with what? Petroleum biproducts? Not sure. They say that Milk has calcium and vitamin D for your bones but that product has been so processed. First they pasteurize it which kills the vitamins and all the good bacteria, then they homogenize it to emulsify it, then vitamin D is reintroduced into it, unnaturally. Your body sees the milk as such a complexity that it can’t digest it or absorb the little vitamins that it has.

    I love your writing and your website is beautiful. Keep it up.

    Thank you,


    Alan aka AbstractAlan

    1. Wow Alan thank you for your thoughtful reply! I believe the Naturebell Link is at the end of the article. 

      Sorry to hear about the conditions you suffer from. It seems like youre very educated about them and hopefully you can find something to heal you. There’s something out there for you. 

      very good point about milk. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Ive heard that Raw Milk is actually healthy for us and our bodies understand how to digest it since it isn’t processed. I do know Raw milk is illegal in some states. 

      Thanks again for reading and your comment! Keep up the good work yourself sir!

  6. I live in sunny regions where temperatures get extremely high. So I often avoid direct sunlight as you mention that it’s a source of vitamin D. But I’m glad this vitamin D supplement you featured here makes a perfect backup solution. Plus it is quite affordable. Thanks for this great article. 

    By the way, your website design is gorgeous.

  7. Having struggled with low energy levels and frequent infections, I decided to explore the potential benefits of vitamin D after reading similar articles. Incorporating sunlight exposure and vitamin D-rich foods into my routine made a noticeable difference in my overall well-being.

    The advice on sunlight exposure is valuable, but I’m wondering about the optimal duration for obtaining sufficient vitamin D without risking sun damage. Could there be elaboration on the balance between obtaining vitamin D and protecting the skin from excessive sun exposure?

    Great Article,

  8. Hi, this blog post is a goldmine of info on boosting the immune system! I never realized how essential vitamins are for overall health. Super grateful for these insights—definitely bookmarking for some proactive health habits! Now I know what I need to be doing from now on.  Anyway, great job with this. Have a good day.

  9. Hi Shawn,
    I’ve just read your post on “What Vitamins to Boost Immune System” at Be Carnivorous, and I must say, it’s quite an eye-opener! The deep dive into the benefits of Vitamin D, its sources, and its role in immune health is quite informative. Your tips on balancing sunlight exposure and supplement intake are especially useful.
    However, I’m curious about the long-term effects of taking high doses of Vitamin D supplements. Is there a risk of Vitamin D toxicity, especially if someone’s also getting a fair amount of sunlight? Also, for those living in areas with less sunlight, how do you recommend balancing supplements and diet to maintain optimal Vitamin D levels without going overboard?
    Thank you for your work and for sharing such valuable information!


    1. Thanks for reading! You can run the risk of getting Vitamin D toxicity if you supplement too much, but most Vitamin D supplements come in around 2000-5000 IU for dosing. Although you may find higher dose brands, staying around 5000 IU per day for an adult should be a safe range. 

      Thanks for your questions Makhsud!

  10. I have been taking vitamine D for a long time now, because I had shortages and I live in the North, where the winters are long and not enough sunlight.But I take less of it in summer and try to get outside in the sun at least for 15 minutes (and not to burn my skin from the sun). Are these supplements taken under the tongue, because that is what I do? It should absorb better.

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