About Us

Be Carnivorous

Hello there future Carnivore!

My name is Shawn, founder of the Be Carnivorous! lifestyle. I am an Army combat veteran and fitness and diet has been a part of my life since I was 19 years old. Ive always had a love/hate relationship with diet, fitness, and personal growth.

Be Carnivorous! isnt just a philosophy for nutrition, but also for life. Carnivores are some of the most savage animals in the wild!  They go after whatever they want UNTIL they get it. Failure isn’t an option for carnivores. If they dont get the first meal, they go find another one. We should have that same tenacity when it comes to our own lives!

Becoming Carnivorous

The past few years of my life, I realized that my unhappiness was due to unfulfillment. I realized that I wasn’t living up to my full potential. My unhappiness wasn’t the cause of anything outside of me, it WAS ME! My nutrition and fitness has always been a part of my life, but the times I didn’t make them a priority were the darkest times. I decided that from now on, I’m going to live my life with the tenacity, ferocity, and mindset as a Carnivore.

Be Carnivorous Mission….

My goal and mission through living the Be Carnivorous lifestyle is to inspire and help as many people as I can to become the healthiest, best version of themselves. The only way that is possible is to live this philosophy in every aspect of my life.  Be Carnivorous is a lifestyle that anyone can adopt.

Majority of the food that is sold in super markets is poison. This is the major cause in the decline of peoples health over the last 50 years. The seed oils and sugars are slowly killing us, yet they allow it in processed foods. I will show you how and why the Carnivore diet is one of, if not the healthiest option for diets out there. Its a simple diet that I believe can change and extend peoples lives!

I lived quite the fast life from 18-26 years old and didnt think about longevity much. Now 33 years old, I not only want to live as long and healthy as I can, but also want that for everyone else. The healthier we are as a commuity, the better we feel and treat each other, and the longer we can enjoy our lives.

Be Carnivorous! is a community of people who want to not only Be the change, but inspire change through nutiriton, exercise, and making this world a better place. Feel free to reach out to me personally with any questions you may have. I look forward to having you come on this journey with me. Let’s Be Carnivorous!

All the best,



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Ready For Some Sweating

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