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What is the leading cause of death in the US? Our Food

As a society in todays world, we are the most unhealthy we have ever been. Between all the chemicals we put in our foods, the refined sugars, and ultra processed vegetable oils, its no wonder why according to the CDC 647,000 people died from heart disease. It was the leading cause of death in the US in 2020.

What is Heart Disease?

Heart disease is any type of disorder that affects the heart or the blood vessels that supply it with blood. It is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. The most common type of heart disease is coronary artery disease, which is caused by the buildup of plaque in the arteries that supply the heart with blood. This can lead to blockages and decreased blood flow, which can result in a heart attack. Other types of heart disease include arrhythmias, heart failure, congenital heart defects, and cardiomyopathy.

Suspect #1: Vegetable Oils

Some say vegetable oils were originated as a healthier option to saturated animal fats for cooking. After some research, that seems to be a contradictory reason.

Vegetable oils are usually very high in polyunsaturated fats, which are easily damaged when heated. These damaged fats can form dangerous compounds called aldehydes, which may cause inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Additionally, vegetable oils are often heavily processed and may contain harmful substances, such as trans fats, which can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.

Aldehydes are known to cause inflammation in the body which is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease. Aldehydes can also make the arteries stiffer, narrowing the blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the heart. This can lead to higher blood pressure, which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Additionally, aldehydes can increase cholesterol levels, leading to a buildup of plaque in the arteries that can further increase the risk of heart disease.

So, these “healthier” cooking oil options such aas canola, corn, or vegetable oils really arent much healthier if you ask me!

Suspect #2: Refined Sugars

Eating refined and processed sugars can increase the risk of developing heart disease. This is because refined sugars and processed foods are high in calories, low in nutritional value, and can cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels [1]. This can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of developing conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes, which are all risk factors for heart disease. Additionally, many processed foods are high in trans fats, which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

John Yudkin was a British physiologist who conducted research into the effects of sugar on human health. His research showed that high levels of sugar consumption were linked to elevated cholesterol levels, obesity, diabetes, and coronary heart disease. He argued that sugar should be regulated like tobacco and alcohol and should be labeled with warnings about its potential health risks. Yudkin’s research was largely ignored and instead, the focus was shifted onto the role of saturated fats in heart disease.

There is evidence that the leaders of the sugar industry did pay off scientists to place the blame for coronary heart disease on saturated animal fats instead of refined sugar [1]. In 1965, the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) paid two Harvard researchers $6,500 to downplay the link between sugar and heart disease and instead focus on the link between saturated animal fats and heart disease. The SRF also funded research aimed at discrediting Yudkin’s research and ultimately managed to successfully redirect attention away from sugar and instead focus on dietary fat as the main dietary culprit for heart disease.


I truly believe that our consumotion of highly processed vegetable oils, and highly refined sugars are the two biggest causes of heart disease. Our ancestors who survived by hunting and gathering were able to maintain much better physical states than we are. They worried about infections and true pandemics, not a crisis like heart disease. It wasnt nearly as common in our past generations and I am a firm believer it is because of their nutrition and our lack of it; their physicality and our lack of it.

-@itsYonson -Instagram

Stay Blessed

24 Responses

  1. I just read your thought-provoking blog about the correlation between heart disease and food choices. Especially enlightening was your emphasis on the risks of consuming too much processed vegetable oils and refined sugar. I have improved my physical health substantially through decreased consumption of some of these items . Your point that our ancestors had greater health due to their diet is one which makes logical sense to me. To sum up, your blog serves as a brilliant reminder of the effect of nutrition on overall wellness. Keep it up!

  2. Heart disease is a serious health issue and the leading cause of death in the US. We have to really be mindful of what we consume on a daily basis. Cutting out refined sugar is something that I’m working on as well as daily exercise.

    I will also be mindful of my vegetable oil intake as well! Great points are discussed in this article. Keep them coming!

    1. Thank you Christopher! Glad to hear you’re trying to make those changes to better yourself! It can be difficult but little change made everyday becomes big change over time! Keep it up! 

  3. Thank you for this very honest post as not many people will be vocal enough to express themselves.  I will concur with you that not all vegetable oil has a high smoke point and is not fit for cooking and will definitely lend way to ill health.  

    Plant oils can be a healthy treat but when used in salads minus the frying etc.  I want to agree that our ancestors lived long and fulfilled lives because they were not exposed to the variety of processed foods that our generation is exposed to in what we call modern times.

    It all began in the 70s when we were led to believe that vegetable oil was the way to go and animal fats and other kinds of butter were not good for our health.  There is still the misconception that people should not eat animal protein hence the phrase “animal cruelty”.

    Processed foods such as low-fat milk, cheese, and other foods are being heavily promoted because it suits the manufacturers as shelf-life and profit are the major focus and not the consumer’s overall well-being.   All the best.

    1. Thank you so much for reading Mazie! As we all know, most of the decisions made for our “well being” are money decisions and unfortunately our food is one of them. I just want people to be as healthy as possible. 

  4. Much thanks to you for this extremely legit post as relatively few individuals will be adequately vocal to communicate their thoughts. I will agree with you that not all vegetable oil has a high smoke point and isn’t good for cooking and will loan way to weakness.

    Plant oils can be a sound treat however when utilized in servings of mixed greens short the searing and so on. I need to concur that our predecessors carried on with long and satisfied lives since they were not presented to the range of handled food varieties that our age is presented to in what we call current times.

  5. Other causes of heart disease include smoking, a lack of physical activity, an unhealthy diet, stress, and excessive alcohol consumption. 

    [1] Diet is an important risk factor in coronary heart disease. Food-related risk factors include obesity, high blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetes and a diet high in saturated fat, trans fat, refined grains, added sugars, and salt. 

    [2] Keywords: coronary heart disease, saturated fat, sugar, whole grains … Vegetable oils such as corn oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil are associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. 

    [3] The real cause of heart disease is not saturated fat and cholesterol. Studies show that heart disease is from eating carbs and PUFAs. The demonization of animal fat and cholesterol began in the 1960s with the infamous Seven Countries Study by Ansel Keys. Keys’s study was “observational” and relied on participant reports and memories of what they ate over long periods of time, and omitted high-fat diets of traditional cultures with very low incidences of heart disease. Modern science tells us that consuming saturated fat and cholesterol is not associated with heart disease. The demonization of animal fat and cholesterol has been disastrous, leading to increased rates of modern diseases like heart disease.

    I just felt you should have went in more details.

    1. Thank you for the input! I think I could’ve gone into more detail as well. I actually eat a carnivore diet and am very aware about the demonization of animal fats and cholesterol. Im going to go back and add more detail. Thank you again!

  6. I 100% agree that refined sugars and certain vegetable oils are poison.  You mention polyunsaturated oils. Among them, those that stand out as particularly harmful are soybean oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oil. When they’re highly processed and exposed to high temperatures they can produce harmful compounds and oxidize easily, leading to the formation of harmful free radicals. And don’t get me started on refined sugars.

    I’m curious about your thoughts on oils like avocado oil, which has a particularly high smoke point and is good for cooking?

    Or do you find it’s more important to use a stable oil, like coconut? Any qualms about it being high in saturated fats?

    1. Thanks for reading Ryan. I actually use both avocado oil and coconut oil when cooking. Both of those fruits are naturally oily and don’t need extreme refinement to extract the oils. Both of them are the best options other than animal fats like beef tallow and bacon fat. 

      I don’t believe saturated fats are exactly the issue. I think excessive saturated fat intake becomes an issue when it’s eaten with refined sugars and vegetable oils and carbohydrates. I eat a version of the carnivore diet and really limit my carb intake and I don’t have an issue. Everyone is different so Im a firm believer in finding what works for someone and sticking to it. 

      Thanks again for the 

  7. I love your explanation of why vegetable oils are not as healthy as we would like to believe.  I agree with you that our diet is part of the problem, as are the toxins in our water supply, in my humble opinion.  Making wiser choices is truly up to each individual.  Thank you again for your insights. Angela

    1. Thank you Angela! Im not aware of the amount of toxins in our water supply but I will definitely look into that! I enjoy learning things that can make us healthier as people. 

  8. True not all foods, sugars, and oils are bad for us. I believe a lot of processed foods, drinks and oils can be damaging if they are consumed too often. I try to avoid these although I do have a sweet tooth so I’m a bit of sucker for punishment.

    As one who regularly exercises I have a strong heart that beats like a race horse. My heart rate at rest is around 50 beats p/min but that doesn’t guarantee my arteries aren’t being clogged to slow down blood flow. What do you know about drinking cayenne pepper in tomato juice for cleaning arteries? Maybe you’d like to write an article on the benefits of that along with pineapple, lemon and ginger

    Thanks for the interesting read.

  9. My god…I had no idea the numbers were so high…I am so glad that I read this article…Thank you a lot for creating this amazing content, now I know what I need to avoid to put in my food, please make more of these, also, would you suggest a diet about rice?

  10. Hey, dear Andi. I read your post. You have described it so comprehensively. heart disease is an important issue and we have to be careful of our health. As you have mentioned we are the most unhealthy that we have ever been, so we should take care of our health more and more each day. Everyone has to read this title, Thanks.

  11. Interesting article on heart disease,but I have some thoughts though about this. Although I’m sure that these 2 causes that you mentioned surely aren’t to great for the heart, I would think that there is more to this matter.

    Not working out enough, eating to much saturated unhealthy fats, obesity, and sometimes even just the wrong genes or being born with a heart disease. Or even catching Covid19 can have an effect on the heart. Other then that, keep going with your website, it looks great!

    1. Hello Lizzy, 

      Thank you for taking the time to read! You are correct that there are many factors that can contribute to heart disease. 

      While being born with heart disease is something we can’t prevent, the other factors you listed are things that are totally in our control. Not working out enough, eating too much, and obesity are all correlated. These factors can be controlled by us making a few simple changes within our lifestyles. 

      When it comes to saturated fats such as animal fats, I believe we have been lied to as stated in the article. I believed that saturated fats have been demonized due to it not being as profitable as soy, grains, and corn; which the U.S. is the leading manufacturer for. 

      So you are correct, there are many factors that can lead to heart disease but there are changes we can take as people to mitigate the risk. Thank you again and have a great night! 

  12. I really enjoyed reading this article.  It gives you a lot of insight into the world of oils and sugars which are two of the most overly used ingredients in my opinion.  I do believe moderation is key. With that being said, what are your thoughts on grapeseed oil? Avocado oil? Coconut oil?  I once did eliminate oils, fats and sugars for 40 days and noticed an overall whole body difference in how I processed and digested my foods.  I didn’t feel lethargic or foggy in my mind and I had more energy.  Your article goes to show that nutrition and overall wellness are one in the same. Great key points!  

    1. Hey Jenny, thank you for taking the time to read! 

      You have a great point about moderation. We all need to enjoy a little something every once in a while. As far as the oils you asked about, avocado and coconut oil are two of the oils I use to cook. The other oils I use are olive oil and animal fats. All of these are naturally oily and don’t take hyper processing to extract the oils. Grapeseed Oil on the other hand, I have learned like other seed oils, it produces a lot of oxalates when it’s burned at high temperatures. This makes it not ideal to cook with as far as health is concerned. 

      It’s great that you were able to eliminate all the processed oils and sugars from your diet for that long! Im glad you were able to feel the benefits of eliminating these from your diet. Thanks again and have a great day!

  13. I came across this post on the cause of heart disease and I have to say, I’m pretty fascinated by this topic. I mean, who wouldn’t be? Heart disease is such a common issue these days and it affects so many people.

    So, what exactly is the cause of heart disease according to this post? It seems like there’s no one single answer, which is a bit of a bummer. But, the post does an impressive job of breaking down all the different factors that can contribute to heart disease, such as vegetable oils and refined sugars.

    One of the questions I had after reading the post was whether all these different factors are interrelated. In other words, if you have a certain genetic predisposition to heart disease, does that mean you’re doomed, no matter what lifestyle choices you make? Or, can making healthier choices actually mitigate your risk? I’d love to hear more about that.

    As for my own personal experience with heart disease, I haven’t had to deal with it directly, thankfully. But, I do know a few people who have, and it’s definitely not a fun journey. It’s a scary thought to think about all the different things that can contribute to heart disease, but it’s also kind of empowering to know that we have some control over it through the choices we make.

    Thanks for sharing this information, it’s certainly food for thought.

    1. Thank you so much for you input Bob. You had a great question and I thank you because I didnt elaborate enough in the post. Through my personal online research, I believe that an animal-based diet with a limited amount of carbs (from fruits mostly) can be very beneficial not only to treat against heart disease, but to treat and possibly prevent other illnesses such as diabetes, anxiety, and possibly even cancer. 

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Any other questions or input feel free to let me know! have a great day!

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